Pega CTS, Capgemini, HCL Technologies, Accenture Interview Questions and Answers Part 1

1.Can an assignment be completed manually, automatically (without Human intervention) or BOTH?
FinishAssignment OOTB activity we need to call.

2.What are the OUT-OF-BOX solutions you’ve used in your project?
Mostly SendEmailNotification, Perform Harness, pyID, pyCaseAttachments, pyAttachContent.

3.Which DB you are using for your project?
DB2 ( rulebase) , Oracle (Ext DB).

4.What is an Access-group?
Access-group is an intermediate between Operator and Application, Portal, Access Roles.

5.What is the diff bet Rule and a Ruleset?
RuleSet is a container to hold rules and which allows the versioning of rules.

6.What are the Application Servers that PRPC supports?
Tomcat, Websphere, Web Logic...
Web Admim Team they will maintain these servers.
Application will be deployed on multiple servers and there will a load balancing server that manages the load on each of the server by routing the requests to each of the independent servers.

Application URL :

7.What is Assignment in PRPC?

Assignment is used to assign a task to an operator. Primary use is to invoke a flow action.
Assignment shape contains the options like
1. Status 2. SLA 3. Notification 4. Harness 5. Local actions etc...
If we want to see the current assignment details we can see on clipboard on a predefined page "newassignpage (Assign-)"

8.How do u create MQ in PRPC?
If we want to connect to main frames application we use MQ.

9.Difference between Obj Methods and RDB Methods?
Obj Works on pzPVStream(BLOB) column also on Exposed columns where as RDB work with only Exposed columns.
Obj methods we need to have a commit that commit can be by PRPC or by WriteNow/Commit methods.
RDB we dont need to commit it.
Obj requires lock on WO where as RDB doesn't need it.

10.Is class Group is necessary to create work object?
It's required.
Work Objects can be created only under class group or in the classes which belongs to class group.
Because The Rules required to create a work object are available only on Work- and its sub classes.
As Data Classes cannot inherit from Work- or any of its sub classes it cannot create work object.

11.How do you create the work object?
Flow (Creates a new Work Object), Calling activities Add, AddWork.

12.Is screen flow can generate work objects?
By default we cannot create a work object but we can call OOTB activity New or NewFromFlow and pass the screen flow class and name as parameters then it creates a Work object.

13.What’s the different between connector flow and local flow action?
Flow action moves WO from one assignment to another assignment where as local action does not move it.

14.What is the list view and summary view?
List View will generate plain reports where as summary generates reports using Aggregate Functions.

Workpool :- Class Group when added in the access group (Under Advanced Tab) it is asaid to be work pool. It Identifies which class should be loaded for an operator to create work
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