HTML Definition Lists Explanation with Examples


New member
HTML definition lists `<dl>`, `<dt>`, and `<dd>` elements are used to represent a list of terms and their corresponding definitions. They are particularly useful for glossaries, dictionaries, and other similar content where you need to pair terms with their explanations. Here's how they work:

- `<dl>` (Definition List): This element represents the entire definition list. It typically contains one or more pairs of terms and their definitions.

- `<dt>` (Definition Term): This element represents a term or name in a definition list. It comes before the definition itself.

- `<dd>` (Definition Description): This element represents the description or definition of the term specified by the `<dt>` element.

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of HTML definition lists:

<dd>HyperText Markup Language - The standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.</dd>

<dd>Cascading Style Sheets - A style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.</dd>

<dd>A programming language that enables interactive web pages and is commonly used for client-side scripting.</dd>

In this example:
- `<dl>` defines the start of the definition list.
- `<dt>` defines each term.
- `<dd>` provides the corresponding definition for each term.

When rendered in a browser, the above code would produce a list like this:

HyperText Markup Language - The standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

Cascading Style Sheets - A style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.

A programming language that enables interactive web pages and is commonly used for client-side scripting.

HTML definition lists provide a structured and semantic way to present terms and their definitions, making content more accessible and understandable to users and search engines.
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