What are px, py, pz properties in Pega?


Staff member
These prefixes are used to identify Pega-provided artifacts (properties, data transforms, data pages, harnesses and sections, etc.). These prefixes are reserved for Pega, so you cannot create unique artifacts using any of these three prefixes.

In general terms, artifacts prefaced with py are Read/Write so can be overridden in your application. For example, you can use the .pyWorkPhone property in your application and present it on a UI screen for a user to update. You can also extend these artifacts by creating copies of them in your application.

In these same general terms, artifacts prefaced px and pz are Read Only - and cannot be overridden or extended by your application. The difference between these two artifacts (px and pz) is that artifacts prefaced with px are typically used to support your application. For example, when creating properties, you can specify the UI control type such as pxTextInput or pxDropdown. Artifacts prefaced with pz support (Pega) internal system processing

Properties with prefix py, Ex: pyLabel,pyID etc

py: No relation to Pega internal usage

You can use those for Read/Write.

Properties with prefix px, Ex: pxCreateDatetime, pxRequestorID etc

px: Pega will use this for some internal purpose like when work object createdtime, Requesetor Info etc.

Even though we have write access on these but just make sure before you update these properties.

Properties with prefix pyz Ex: pzInskey etc

pz: Pega will use this for identifying its own objects, usually its unique values in each table.

Don't have write permission on these properties. Read only purpose